6 Steps To Launching A Wildly Successful Coaching Business


6 Steps To Launching A Wildly Successful Coaching Business

It’s all too common for businesses to launch without having a big picture for their business in mind, or alternatively, they know where they want to be in the future and have no idea of how to get there.

So that’s why I feel like it’s so important for you to treat your coaching business as if it’s wildly successful from day one, and I want to help you with that today by sharing six steps to get you there.

Because planning is everything, and it will put you directly on the road to success.

The First Half –

The first half of the six steps that I’m about to talk about, are dedicated to getting your coaching business off the ground. And they’re the steps you need to be taking during the inception of your company.

Step One – Strategize

The very first step I want you to think about is what you want your coaching business to be. What do you want to achieve? What’s your niche? What do you want to sell?

For instance, you firstly need to decide on a coaching genre. There’s life coaching, relationship coaching, career coaching, and many other types of coaching options to consider. And you’ll need to choose which one you want to get into.

Secondly, you need to come up with some way that you bring unique value to that market. Think about what’s being offered by other coaches in that niche, and try to come up with an idea that nobody has used yet. Think of an idea that will fill a gap in the market.

Step Two – Educate

The next step in your planning is to figure out how you’re going to translate your idea into a product or program. Because an idea, isn’t the same as a plan.

So let’s say, as an example, that you want to teach someone how to communicate more effectively with their children’s teachers.

Now you need to think of how you want it to be taught. Do you want to write an eBook on the topic? Do you want to create a program that parents can take online? Or do you want to start off with one-on—one classes.

You need to choose your method, and think through what you want the execution of your idea to look like.

Step Three – Execute

Now’s the exciting part! Because this step is all about actually making your product/service and getting it out there to be purchased by clients.

If you’ve completed the first two steps correctly, then this step shouldn’t require much more planning… just doing!

Let’s say you decided to make a course, then spend some time developing the course and releasing it.

Maybe you chose to write an eBook, well get to writing!

I’m sure you get the point by now, you just need to get your idea out onto the market.

The Second Half –

The second half of the steps can only be completed as your business starts to grow but they’re still important to know, as you’ll need to deploy them at some point.

Step Four – Create An LLC

An LLC essentially means that you’re officially turning your business into a… well… business! Or technically, a limited liability company. So you’re separating your business from yourself and it limits how much you can be personally held accountable for, for anything related to that business.

You probably shouldn’t form an LLC right away. In fact, I recommend getting past about $60k-$80k in sales before considering this step. And I also suggest that you have plenty of positive feedback and assurance for future income.

Step Five – Hire More Employees

Around the same time you form your LLC, you’ll likely need to expand your business a bit. And one of the best ways to do this is to bring on teammates or extra employees to help increase your business’s workload.

It’s critical that you don’t take this step too early on, as it can really stretch your budget. And the last thing you want to have to do is lay off workers if your business can’t sustain their paychecks.

So make sure your business is ready for this step, then proceed.

Step Six – Stick To Your Plan

This is hopefully a step that you’ve been following throughout this entire process, but especially when your business starts to expand and you get confronted with new opportunities, make sure that you stick to your original idea for your business.

It’s ok to grow, learn, and maybe even adjust your strategy. But always stay true to yourself, and your vision for your business.

Conclusion –

Through the successful employment of each of these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a profitable coaching business. Because these steps generally cover almost everything you’ll need to plan out your business, although obviously each step might take quite a bit of time to achieve.

The first set of steps is perfect for the coaching business that’s just starting out, and they can help you take your passion from inception to launch day! And set you up for a successful launch that will put you in a position to scale later on.

And the second set of steps briefly covers some of the ways that you can scale your business if you pull off the first three parts of the plan.

So between the two halves, you’ll be prepared for your wildly successful coaching business!

I’m Mia Gill

I’m a girl who took a chance on herself and embarked on a journey to create her dream life and biz from her bedroom. I turned my love for tech into a personal empire. Once depressed now thriving and fulfilled. My mission? Well that’s simple. To help people achieve more so they too can create their dream life & business.

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Before you go any further… Hi, I’m Mia

I help other women reach their full potential, become CEOs and get excited about life. My goal is to make my mark in the digital era and help people & companies achieve more. 

I’m just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose. Now focused on creating her dream life & business I’ve stepped into my higher power and built an unstoppable mindset. I wasn’t always like this though, I was unhappy, unproductive & lost UNTIL I found my calling. What is that calling you ask? Well you’re scrolling on it right now! 


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Hi, I’m Mia

Just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose.