How To Create A Powerful Support Network As A Solopreneur


How To Create A Powerful Support Network As A Solopreneur

We don’t have time to waste so let’s talk support networks… Having a good support network is key to a successful and happy life and it really can be simple finding, creating and maintaining one. I do understand this can seem the complete opposite of simple especially during current times however a perspective change is all that is needed here. Here on Reimagine Yourself with Mia series, you are going to get exactly what it says on the tin, inspiration to see the world through a different light. As part of that, you will be hearing some of my past and current experiences with the intention of educating you on the importance of self-awareness and the aim of you learning from my mistakes so you can create a beautiful life for yourself much quicker with less regrets.

Connecting with people in general and sharing life works wonders for both your emotional and mental health and having a powerful support network is especially key to better emotional health. This being said better emotional health is an important tool for us women creating a beautiful life full of happiness and success. The reason why I say “create” a powerful support network is because I want to show you that you really do have the time and power to create any aspect of your

I am not saying it’s easy but, knowing that YOU and only you are able to go ahead and create a life you love can get the process started a little easier. 

So, what is the first step to creating a powerful support network? Well, it’s to actually…

Know what a good support network is

Lack of understanding or a misconception towards something can leave us in situations that might not serve us or our energy in the best way. So, it is important to know what a good support network means to you. Think to yourself, what would my ideal support network look like, who are they, what do they talk about, how do they make you feel supported, how would you like to be when you are around them? Everyone has their own personalised “view” of what a good support network is and as part of your journey to truly experience life with yourself, knowing what a good support network is personally for you is key. A good place to start is to make a list of your values, of what makes you happy, how you like people communicating with you, and what brings you good energy. The idea of having either a physical or mental list of this is that it will allow you to be more aware of what you want and more likely to attract it. 

There are however a few almost “non-negotiables” that should be in everyone’s support network.

Find someone who is honest with you!

If you find someone who is honest with you (respectfully of course) keep them and here’s why! There are two sides to self-awareness – how you view yourself and how the world sees you. Having an honest friend can help you level up in both. When you have certain insecurities, triggers, thought patterns or behaviours you need to have someone who understands this, accepts this part of you and be willing to help you move past it. Someone said to me the other day, there are no such thing as red flags, there are a set of traits that someone is either willing or not willing to accept. The point of this is that, none of us are perfect, and we have behaviours and reactions that cannot please everyone nor should you feel obliged to please everyone. But there a few people in this world who see you exactly for who you are. Hence, they understand that you also are a result of all your previous life experiences and mindset and will challenge you to be the best version of yourself.

Value respect over everything

It is not only important to have someone help you grow by challenging you, questioning certain behaviours, or telling you their honest opinion it’s also important that are mindful of your boundaries. The reason why this is important is because as humans we feel a need to be understood and if they can be honest with you whilst understanding you and avoiding certain triggers you may have then this is a key person to have in your powerful support network. A question I always ask to people I value is “what do you need from me right now? Comfort or advice”. They may not know the answer and I do realise that being a friend is more than just providing comfort or advice, but it gives them an opportunity to tell me what they need whilst in a state of vulnerability in that moment of time. Someone who can see you are choosing to open up to them and appreciate that, so are willingly wanting to understand you and be there for you is someone special. Appreciate them. Also remember it’s better to be respected than to be liked!

Communication is key

They normally say that communication comes in two ways but I recently learned from a friend that the best type of communication in fact comes in three ways. Speaking, listening and most importantly understanding. How someone communicates to you is a good reflection on whether that person is a good person to have in your support network. If someone is desensitising your feelings, invalidating your emotions, being passive aggressive or continues to cross your boundaries/ makes you feel bad for having a certain boundary in the first place then you really need to ask yourself if this person is worth your time or energy! As humans we like to feel understood and we tend to feel closer to people that we understand. When you have a good support network around you, what you will see, is that you feel safe enough to confide in to those in your network and they have the ability to handle the situation delicately and in accordance to your boundaries.

These are the key things every person in your support network should have. If you are not life planning, levelling up in some way, increasing your energy and good vibes, working towards the future in some way shape or form or don’t feel like every person in your support network has any of the above then you really need to…



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