How To Build An Online Coaching Program That Gets Consistent Results Without ChatGPT


How To Build An Online Coaching Program That Gets Consistent Results Without ChatGPT

Over time, coaching continues to drift from in-person to online. That’s not to say that in-person coaching is becoming obsolete, but online coaching is definitely a viable option nowadays. One of the most popular forms of this comes in the form of an online coaching program.

The client gets all, or most of, the benefits of an in-person program but they can work on it from the comfort of their own home. And the same goes for the coach themselves; in fact, in many cases when coaches automate these programs (which is method growing in popularity) they can make a lot more money while expending less effort than they would with an in-person program.

But the problem is that, in order to get a piece of this ever growing pie, you need to ensure that you’re online program will attract consistent interest and deliver consistent results. Because the truth is, it can be harder to monitor results in an online environment especially if it’s automated.

Hopefully this article will help on that front, because today, we’ll be looking at some ways you can deliver consistent results to your audience in the form of an online program.

Conception Of The Program – Target A Specific Issue

In the very beginning of course development, is the stage where you decide what your program is about. I’m assuming that you already know your coaching niche, what your value is as a coach, etc. But course development takes a lot more than that, you need a goal in mind of what you want to provide clients with.

The best way to make sure each client’s result is consistent is to be very deliberate during this part of the process. What you want to do is target a very specific issue that a client might have, so you can focus all your energy into solving one thing and increase the likelihood that a customer will leave pleased. Furthermore, it allows you stand out from the competition.

Problems come into play for courses that try to take on too many problems at once because many clients could feel overwhelmed by all the information and not retain what they really need. So while you may be able to satisfy a few clients, others won’t feel the same way; and that’s the opposite of the consistent results you’re looking for.

Building The Program – Provide As Much Value As You Can

Now we’re moving on to the step where you actually build your program, and what I want you to focus on is making it as fulfilling as possible. It’s easy to speed through the program building if you’re too focused on the end result. For instance, if you’re eager to start seeing the funds roll in; you might be more likely to cut corners and not provide enough content for your course. Whether it’s intentional or not.

So although there is something to be said for making a program that’s easily digestible, you still need to pack your limited program space with lots of value.

  • If you’ve created a program that you think will still leave the client with questions on the topic, there isn’t enough value.
  • If you’ve created a program that doesn’t fulfill the promise you’re offering, there isn’t enough value.
  • Etc

This is part of the reason why it’s so important to base your program on a very specific topic, and not bite of more than you can chew in terms of the concept.

So if you feel your current program doesn’t provide enough value then keep working on it. Add a new section, provide extra information in places where explanations are lacking, etc.

Marketing – State The Results Of The Program Clearly And Realistically

It’s a lot easier to leave customer’s satisfied with your program if they don’t go into it with inflated expectations. That’s why it’s vital to offer your clients what you can deliver, nothing more and nothing less. To do this, you’ll need to make what you’re offering very clear and very realistic.

For instance, in order to make sales, many people will “oversell” something. They’ll market a convenient item as a “life changing” device, instead of sticking to the reality of it. This leads to a low rate of customer satisfaction. So what you want to do is target a result for your clients that’s completely possible to attain!

And furthermore, you need to make what you’re offering very clear. You don’t want to your clients coming into your program with their own “version” of what they’ll gain from it, but this is what can happen if your offer lacks clarity. You need to keep in mind that everyone interprets things differently.

So putting these two considerations together, I’ll give you an example of how you should market your program as well as how you shouldn’t do it.

What You Shouldn’t Do – “This course is guaranteed to help you reach every (insert niche name) goal that you have!”

What You Should Do – “This course will help you understand the fundamentals of (insert niche name), and give you the building blocks you need for future development in (insert niche name).”

By managing your clients expectations of the results, you’re making those results more consistent across the board.

Keep Perfecting It!!

Chances are, your program might not be perfect when you first roll it out. So pay close attention to the results that your clients are getting, and if there’s a lack of consistency then find out the reason why and make the necessary adjustments. After all, this is all about the customers, and they can bring things to your attention from their experience that you may not have even considered.

You could potentially even have a beta phase of sorts, where you have a select group test out your program. So that you can work out any kinks before it hits the market.

I’m Mia Gill

I’m a girl who took a chance on herself and embarked on a journey to create her dream life and biz from her bedroom. I turned my love for tech into a personal empire. Once depressed now thriving and fulfilled. My mission? Well that’s simple. To help people achieve more so they too can create their dream life & business.

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Before you go any further… Hi, I’m Mia

I help other women reach their full potential, become CEOs and get excited about life. My goal is to make my mark in the digital era and help people & companies achieve more. 

I’m just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose. Now focused on creating her dream life & business I’ve stepped into my higher power and built an unstoppable mindset. I wasn’t always like this though, I was unhappy, unproductive & lost UNTIL I found my calling. What is that calling you ask? Well you’re scrolling on it right now! 


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Hi, I’m Mia

Just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose.