Issue – 2 🤩 Let’s Get To Know Your Dream Client 🤩


Issue 2 – 🤩 Let’s Get To Know Your Dream Client 🤩

In today’s issue…

We will pinpoint what your dream client looks like, as well as how to use this information to find them! So we’ll cover things like…

  • Why it’s important to have a customer avatar
  • Easy ways to find who your ideal client is
  • And how to track down those clients to turn them into a reality!

So let’s jump right in…

Why you need a customer avatar…

Far too many people start businesses with the mindset that they want to sell their service/product to everyone. And while this would be ideal if it was possible, it’s actually a damaging idea to have. Why? Because the truth is, not everyone is going to need (or want) what you’re selling. And if you can’t tell the difference between someone who could be convinced to buy, and someone who can’t… you’re just wasting your own resources!

In fact, I think creating a customer avatar is so important that I mentioned it in this post about the five questions you should be asking yourself as a business owner.

So having said that, here are a few things that could happen if you fail to identify your dream customer…

Examples of what could happen if you don’t have a clear vision of your ideal client…

  • Ads and marketing campaigns don’t bring in leads or sales
  • New products or services don’t resonate with the audience you’ve already built
  • Unhappy clients report feeling misunderstood or disappointed with their experience

Don’t worry though, if you’ve noticed any of those issues popping up in your business, I’m about to teach you how to build your customer avatar and avoid them in the future.

A Quick Guide To Creating Your Customer Avatar

Step One – Answer Basic Questions About Them

First off, you’re going to want to create a basic outline of what your dream customer looks like.

  • What gender are they?
  • How old are they?
  • Where do they live?
  • How much money do they make?
  • Are they single? Married?

For instance, if you’re a coach that focuses on helping people find true love then you wouldn’t want to target people who are already married! And if you’re a fitness coach, you’d be more likely to find clients amongst younger/middle-aged people instead of elderly folks.

Step Two – Identify Their Pain Points

Once you’ve established the basics of your customer avatar, you’ll need to dive into exactly how you can serve them. You can do this by identifying what challenges they may be experiencing in regard to your area of expertise. These challenges are known as pain points, and they should be at the center of everything you do as a coach.

So let’s circle back to the “true love” example from earlier. Let’s say that you’ve narrowed down your target audience to people in their twenties, who are single and looking to find a relationship. They might struggle with career goals, finances, or any number of other issues. But the pain points you need to look for are the ones in their romantic lives.

  • Maybe they find themselves jumping from relationship to relationship.
  • Maybe they’re having a hard time securing first dates.
  • Or maybe they have issues with commitment.
  • Etc

There are a lot of potential options! But you need to find the most prevalent of these pain points, through market research and interacting with people within your target demographic. And then focus on those when thinking about advertising, products/services, and customer service.

Step Three – (Optional) Create A Specific “Person” To Target

Obviously, as a business owner, you’re never going to just go after one client and then quit. But pretending that you’re only targeting one person could help you provide some truly helpful content! Because the more specific you get when thinking about your dream client, the more anyone within your target demographic will feel understood.

Think about it, haven’t you ever felt so targeted by an ad that you felt like it was made just for you? You want to provide that feeling for all your future customers!

So, if you’d like, you can combine all the work you’ve done so far into a full-on profile. You could give your customer avatar a name, a specific age, a bio, and even a picture! Anything to make them seem like a real person, and cement the idea of them in your mind.

The bottom line about finding your dream client…

The great part about filling out your customer avatar is that you can use the info to elevate your business. For example…

  • If you narrowed down the demographic of your ideal client then you can use that info to make ads more targeted. They’re in their fifties? Facebook would be a better place to build a community than TikTok.
  • Then you can use your dream client’s pain points to make more efficient products/services. They struggle with maintaining a social media following, but they don’t have an issue building one? A book that tells them how to make more engaging content could be better than one that talks about making attention-grabbing graphics.
  • And you can use your specific customer avatar to make your audience feel more seen! They like memes and dislike if things are too serious? Add a joke or pun to your captions every once in a while.

Three extra resources for all my Bossables!

Now, as a bonus for those of you who made it to the end of this newsletter, I want to share three resources I feel could benefit you in your business journey!

😎 This short, and to-the-point YouTube video by Iman Gadzhi is full of productivity hacks if you’re struggling with efficiency in your life.

🤑 And this article on Investopedia has some great info about investing in the stock market. For all my Bossables who are looking into expanding their wealth.

🔊 Finally, this podcast episode (released by Stanford GSB) talks about how to turn obstacles into advantages. Which is a helpful skill for any CEO to learn.

Want to get to know the BTS of how I’m creating my dream life & business? – Check out my YouTube Channel

Want to learn more from me?


Save your seat on our invite only, business coaching call “Create Your Dream Business & Life In 6 Steps” – RSVP hereThe exact formula I used to create stability & true purpose. Gain full clarity on your future life and learn how to start & scale your own online business that generates revenue minus the overwhelm.

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Checkout the Bossable Blog – The blog designed to give you regular doses of knowledge, actionable strategies & motivation needed for creating your dream life.

I’m Mia Gill

I’m a girl who took a chance on herself and embarked on a journey to create her dream life and biz from her bedroom. I turned my love for tech into a personal empire. Once depressed now thriving and fulfilled. My mission? Well that’s simple. To help people achieve more so they too can create their dream life & business.

01 Coda Docs

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02 Bluehost

Want a website like mine? Start your website journey with the best web host on the market.

03 Pallyy

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04 Flodesk

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Before you go any further… Hi, I’m Mia

I help other women reach their full potential, become CEOs and get excited about life. My goal is to make my mark in the digital era and help people & companies achieve more. 

I’m just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose. Now focused on creating her dream life & business I’ve stepped into my higher power and built an unstoppable mindset. I wasn’t always like this though, I was unhappy, unproductive & lost UNTIL I found my calling. What is that calling you ask? Well you’re scrolling on it right now! 


Sit down each week with our Founder & CEO, Mia Gill as she spills her secrets on creating her dream life, increasing her revenue streams and finding happiness in the chaos.

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It’s Bossable Podcast

The podcast that shows female coaches how to create wealth, stability & fulfilment from their businesses

Between chatting all things business, mindset, high performance, living a fulfilled life, success and mental health, the show will have you feeling like you’re sitting in a coffee shop, sipping a latte discussing all things progression. Dig deep & laugh loads with Mia and her guests as they have real conversations on the highs and lows of building wealth, stability & fulfilment.


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Hi, I’m Mia

Just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose.