The Bossable C6 System That Helped Mia Scale Her Business Within 90 Days 


The Bossable C6 System That Helped Mia Scale Her Business Within 90 Days

There are 6 “Cs” which every coaching business should focus on. In my opinion these 6 “Cs” will lead to a business that produces wealth and stability while keeping client fulfillment in mind. But in order for these strategies to work, business owners will need to focus on all six at once; which is undoubtedly the hardest part. Just remember… it can be done!

So keeping that in mind, here is…

The Bossable 6 C System – How to organize your coaching business…

This system starts with the first C…

1 – Clients

Clients are the backbone of your business, without them, it can’t continue running because you won’t have any funds to work with. So by far, clients are one of the most important “Cs” that we’ll be discussing today which is why I’ve placed them first.

When it comes to clients, you’ll need to focus on the following.

Client Fulfillment – Making sure your clients are happy is the only way to succeed as a coaching business, but in order to do that, you’ll need to know your clients well. To achieve this, make sure to have systems in place to get to know your future clients; so that you’ll know how to fulfill their needs.

CRM – CRM, also known as customer relationship management, is also a vital aspect of selling anything as a business especially when it’s in an industry like coaching that can be so vulnerable at times. You need to ensure that your brand has some sort of a relationship with the customer, even if it’s something as basic as trust; while avoiding more negative business to customer relationships.

What The Customer Needs – And lastly, coaching businesses need to be acutely aware of what their consumers actually need before they can provide the correct products and services. For instance, many coaches make the mistake of thinking they need to show clients their whole path, when really, all many clients need is to be shown the next step in their overarching journey.

2 – CEO

Knowing how to be a good CEO is also a big part of the C system, so up next are the things that you’ll need to keep in mind to be the best CEO you can be!

Delegation – The best CEOs are masters of delegation. As the head of entire company, you can’t focus on all the individual aspects of running a business. So instead; you need to know how, when, and to who you should pass on your tasks.

Helpful Software – As CEO, you’re the head of your respective business’s team. But it’s no easy task to bring everyone together, however there are a lot of helpful tools online that could help do it for you; such as Coda or Asana. They’re worth looking into.

KPIs – Another big part of being a CEO is knowing where your business is going so that you can form the strategies to help get there. Which is why it’s important that all CEOs keep KPIs, or key performance indicators, in mind at all times.

3 – Content

The middle “C” of this list is content. Content is seen by many people as many different things, but most businesses create some form of it. And it’s an important thing to master when you’re running a coaching business. So here’s what you need to think about when forming content for your business…

How To Give The Most Value – Nobody wants to consume content for no reason, there always has to be a purpose behind it. So when you’re creating content, make sure every piece holds unique value for the viewers. Preferably it’ll even contain something they couldn’t find anywhere else.

How To Market It – But no matter how valuable the content you create is, it probably won’t be seen by many people unless you market it efficiently. This why learning how to market your content is equally as important as learning to make it in the first place.

4 – Coaching

This is probably the most obvious “C” for a coaching business, because it’s the foundation of everything. Without a good coaching strategy and ample coaching skills, your business can’t succeed. So how do you master the fourth “C”? I’m glad you asked…

Focus On Your Value – As a coach you need to make sure you have something valuable to offer your potential clients; the more value, the more success. And likewise with skill, you’ll need to keep improving your skill as a coach over time in order for your business to grow.

Remember That It’s 50% Of Everything – As I mentioned in the intro of this section, coaching is vital to a coaching business. In fact, it’s about 50%. So if there’s one of these “Cs” that you focus the most on, make it this one.

5 – Company

Now, what is your coaching business? It’s your company; and in addition all these other aspects of running a coaching business, you need to remember that at the end of the day, the company itself needs some focus too. Such as…

Handling Stress – Your company will undoubtedly face some times of stress at some point in time, and you need to make sure it’s ready for it. Otherwise it might crumble under the pressure. In order to do this, have plans in place for various business-related issues and make sure in and all employees are ready to do what needs to be done to keep the company afloat.

Cash Flow – It’s obvious that you need a consistent form of cashflow in order to keep a business going; but you also need a cashflow that won’t disappear when problems arise. This works hand in hand with making sure your company can handle stress, because if you want to make sure it’s possible, you’ll always need the funds to back it up.

Automation – Especially in today’s day and age, it’s becoming more and more common to automate certain parts of your company. You should take advantage of that opportunity and do just that! If you automate some of the more mundane tasks, you’re accomplishing two things. You’re making sure that your company will be working even when you’re not. And you’re freeing up what time you do spend working to take on different projects.

Communication, PR – Everything you do as a company is a form of communication to the client, and you need to be one top of all of this as the head of the company. Even something as simple as your brand’s color palette should be intentional and thought through because it’s saying something to the customer. Make sure you’re conveying messages that will get consumers to trust and love your company.

Branding – Similarly you need to be very aware of your company’s brand. Every company has a brand that consists of things like font, colors, and other recognizable aesthetic features of your business. Make sure that this brand aligns with your goals, and keeps in mind your target demographic at all times.

Back End Management – Now let’s quickly discuss what happens behind the scenes of a company; the operations that take place “behind the curtain” are vital to a company’s success. And as head of that company, you’ll need to stay on top of all of that. This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to actually perform the operations yourself, but you need to be aware of what goes into it in order to be an efficient head of the company. Make sure it all goes smoothly.

6 – Capital

The last “C” is the bigger picture behind the “cash flow” variable we mentioned earlier. And it might be one of the most important sections of this post. Because your company’s capital is the thing that keeps it going. Even if you’ve mastered the other “Cs” in this article, without capital, it won’t do any good.

Having said that, here are the aspects of a company’s capital that you need to focus on…

Increasing Cash Flow – First and foremost; you simply need the capital. Or in other words, you need money and preferably lots of it. Which is why no matter what state your company is in, you always need to be finding ways to increase that cash flow. Most of the following mini sections will be covering how to do just that.

Reinvesting – But a big part of utilizing capital is reinvesting it in your company, because this is how you scale up and eventually make more and more money. Reinvesting does come with a lot of complexity though; you have to know when to do it and how much to invest, among other factors. But overall, it comes with a lot of benefits and it’s important that you learn how it’s done.

Product/Service Improvement – Another great way to make more money for you business is by selling products and services right? But it’s far easier to sell high quality, professional products than it is lower quality ones. So if you think there is anyway to improve your product or service, then you should!

Increasing Product/Service – You take this tip in several different ways. You can increase the amount of products and services you’re selling by offering additional ones, aka making new products and services. Or you can increase the amount you’re selling by increasing how much demand you can handle, aka producing more of your existing product or taking on more services. Either way, it’s a fantastic way to increase income.

Expansion – Eventually in order to make more money, you’re going to need to expand your business somehow. How you do so is up to you and your business model, but for a lot of coaching businesses this means branching into consulting. So it’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Conclusion –

This article was meant to show you the different categories of things you need to focus on when running a coaching business, by organizing your thoughts in this way you’ll learn where you’re splitting your attention and how to pay attention to all the various factors at once.

Organization is everything, and since running a business often has so many variables, by focusing on the six “Cs” you’re decreasing your chance for mental confusion and increasing the chance that you’ll be able to keep a clear head day after day.

Additionally I hope you found the tips for how to achieve each “C” helpful, they’ll increase your efficiency if you find ways to apply them!

I’m Mia Gill

I’m a girl who took a chance on herself and embarked on a journey to create her dream life and biz from her bedroom. I turned my love for tech into a personal empire. Once depressed now thriving and fulfilled. My mission? Well that’s simple. To help people achieve more so they too can create their dream life & business.

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Before you go any further… Hi, I’m Mia

I help other women reach their full potential, become CEOs and get excited about life. My goal is to make my mark in the digital era and help people & companies achieve more. 

I’m just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose. Now focused on creating her dream life & business I’ve stepped into my higher power and built an unstoppable mindset. I wasn’t always like this though, I was unhappy, unproductive & lost UNTIL I found my calling. What is that calling you ask? Well you’re scrolling on it right now! 

Let’s get healed, aligned & accomplished this week, this month, this year & beyond. I’ll hand over my best business & life tips every Monday morning so you have everything you need and more.



It’s Bossable





Hi, I’m Mia

Just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose.