Top 4 Characteristics Successful 6-Figure CEOs Have (& How To Get Them)


Top 4 Characteristics Successful 6-Figure CEOs Have (& How To Get Them)

It’s no secret that successful CEOs all have something in common, and that something is… success! But they share other things as well. In fact, a lot of CEOs earning 6-figure incomes and above all have certain shared traits. We’re going to explore four of those traits today, plus how you can build them for yourself; because applying these tips to your life could help boost your business more than you know.

After all, if the successful CEOs of the world have already used these traits to build their businesses, then why can’t you do the same thing?

1. Grit

Grit had to take the top spot and you’ll see why.  Grit is non-cognitive trait that represents your combined efforts and passion towards a particular long-term goal or end-state. Being gritty shows you’re in it for the long run, not the quick buck. That’s why you’re able to motivate yourself and progress no matter how many obstacles you face, emotional or otherwise.

The benefits of having grit that you’ll notice in your business are normally big ones. For instance, since you won’t be deterred by things that get in your way, you’re more likely to solve issues faster than CEOs without as much grit. This could come in handy when issues strike the industry you’re working in, because you won’t slow down; but your competitors might, therefore giving you a unique lead.

Plus, your grit can go a long way in inspiring your employees and keeping them passionate about your business as well. Passion is infectious!

And before you ask, grit most certainly can be developed over time. Just focus on your values, your passions, and the bigger picture. I mean, it will take more than that, but it’s a good starting point for now! Over time, you’ll continue developing grit as you keep refusing to give up. And eventually, you’ll start to notice that grit comes naturally to you and you don’t have to work for it anymore.

2. Resilience

Resiliency is a trait that’s useful in both your work life and your personal one, because failure and hardship are naturally parts of life that we can’t avoid. And if you’re a resilient person, then you’re able to bounce back from these things much faster. Resilient people never stay down for long.

So resiliency allows both you and your business to quickly adapt to disruptions, maintain operations in the middle of crisis, and ultimately survive uncertain times. The best CEOs have mastered this trait since they know it’s necessary for long term success.

Much like with grit, you’ll likely become more resilient over time as you move through unfortunate circumstances and make the necessary adjustments. But things you can do to help the process along include…

  • Staying hopeful, no matter what, you need to be sure to look on the bright side in order to build resiliency.
  • Learn from your experiences, you’ll be able to bounce back faster and faster the more your learn from the past.
  • And take care of yourself on a personal level, your mental health needs to be stable in order for you to be resilient in the business world. So make sure to take care of yourself!

3. Patience

This kind of goes hand in hand with grit, as you have to be able to see the bigger picture if you want to be patient. Patience is so much more though; as it can help you obtain greater sales, increased satisfaction, and ultimately stronger profits.

Patience allows you to slow down, review potential situations, and come back with a proper strategy rather than making impulsive decisions that could hurt your business. Additionally, it’ll keep you from becoming discouraged and giving up on your business when you aren’t seeing the results you want right away.

Developing patience is just a matter of practicing it regularly. When you’re confronted with a situation that would normally trigger impatience within you, make sure to identify it and work through the feeling. Never make decisions that are influenced by your initial reactions, instead always take time to think things through.

And in the case of staying patient for the long game; you’ll need to set realistic goals, celebrate the small victories, and be sure not to be too critical of setbacks. They happen, and if you’ve developed the previous two traits, then you’ll be able to move past them. So don’t let them weigh you down.

4. Problem Solving

As a business owner (yes you’re both a coach and a business owner) you’ve gotta love a challenge or at least try to love it. You want to be able to feel that buzz when you solve a problem you thought was impossible at first or when you get something done despite thinking your abilities wouldn’t allow you to. This is the beauty of problem solving, which is the last trait we’re talking about today.

The ability to problem solve is a crucial one to develop if you want to be successful. There’s no avoiding the problems that will show up when you’re running a business, and if you aren’t a successful problem solver then these issues could get the better of you and your business.

So how do you develop this last trait?

The answer is more complex than with the previous traits. Learning to problem solve will take a lot of work. You’ll have to learn about every aspect of your business, knowledge is power and it will help you overcome difficulties. You might have to take advice from others, people with expertise in your field might the answers you need even when you don’t.

And you’ll have to have the grit, resilience, and patience to work through problem solving without giving up. You’ll need all of these traits combined if you want your business to be as successful as it can be. So I hope that this article has both inspired you to develop these traits, and given you some tips as to how you can do so.

I’m Mia Gill

I’m a girl who took a chance on herself and embarked on a journey to create her dream life and biz from her bedroom. I turned my love for tech into a personal empire. Once depressed now thriving and fulfilled. My mission? Well that’s simple. To help people achieve more so they too can create their dream life & business.

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Before you go any further… Hi, I’m Mia

I help other women reach their full potential, become CEOs and get excited about life. My goal is to make my mark in the digital era and help people & companies achieve more. 

I’m just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose. Now focused on creating her dream life & business I’ve stepped into my higher power and built an unstoppable mindset. I wasn’t always like this though, I was unhappy, unproductive & lost UNTIL I found my calling. What is that calling you ask? Well you’re scrolling on it right now! 

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Hi, I’m Mia

Just the girl next door who turned her dreams & depression into a woman with action & purpose.